Asset Management


At Optimum Hospitality we manage investments to meet the goals of the ownership. We work for the owner to optimize costs, maximize revenues and increase the value of the property. Through our targeted approach customized for each individual asset and vision of the owner, we ensure that the owner’s best interests are retained and followed through on property level at all times.

We monitor and benchmark costs, revenues, operational key performance indicators and advise management and ownership on optimization strategies. Our team has worked around the globe for leading hotel brands and independent properties with extensive experience in Asia, Vietnam, Europe and the United States.

Partnering with Optimum Hospitality will guarantee owners that their assets are preserved and return on investments are timely achieved.

Optimum Advisory For Hotel Owners

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Our Asset Management Services


Owner Representation

We represent the owner on property ensuring good communication between all stakeholders with constant and direct supervision of performance.


Advise On Investment Strategies

We continually optimize and evaluate the investment strategy, model cashflow, conduct asset valuations and compare that with initial investment goals valuations.

Financial Monitoring

We supervise the budget process, monitor forecasting, balance sheets and daily business and compare that with the market competitive set.


Review And Advice On Contracts

We review all third-party contracts on behalf of the owner and ensure that the owner’s interests are protected at any given time.

Revenue Management

We optimize sales and marketing structures, establish thorough benchmarking and ensure full control over revenue streams.


Franchise And Operator Affiliations

We provide transparency and balance owners versus operator interests and advise on initial brand selection as well as negotiate the brand agreements.

Operational Reviews

We ensure that owner’s interests have a direct influence on property level decisions and monitor guest and staff satisfaction as well as KPIs.


Capital Expenditure and Control

We set clear rules and provide investment analysis on capital expenditures and project approvals to ensure the correct balance between repairs & maintenance versus capital purchases.


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